On-chain messages on Ethereum uncover tales of love, loss and scams

    2024.05.28 | exchangesranking | 107onlookers

    Behind the trillions of dollars settled on the Ethereum blockchain is a near bottomless trove of undeleteable on-chain messages — from people begging hackers to return stolen funds to hopeless romantics pleading with their ex-lovers for a second chance.

    “It’s such a wonderfully dark and beautiful place at the same time. crimes. exploits. love letters. it has it all,” said Croissant ETH, a pseudonymous industry analyst who said he “searched through 1.5M+ messages on the Ethereum blockchain” in a May 27 X post.

    One of the messages saw someone reach out to their supposed lover who had blocked them on multiple social media platforms.

    “I feel kinda pathetic reaching out to you this way but what can I do,” they asked, adding:

    “Every moment since you blocked me has felt like an eternity as I wait for you to hopefully unblock me and send me a message [...] “Will you please give me a second chance?”
    Source: Croissant ETH

    Another message shows a widow — who claims she received $500,000 of wrapped-Ether (wETH) from her recently deceased husband — but accidentally transferred the funds to a drainer address, begging the scammer to return the funds.

    “Please, please, please return our money! I know you are a good person deep down. I know your soul is good.”

    Another victim, who claimed he couldn’t look his wife in the eye and tell her what happened, begged the scammer to release him from his “misery” by returning the funds. “My life is ruined otherwise.”

    Others decided to use the Ethereum blockchain to discuss the hardships they had faced in their life, including one person who says he was kidnapped, tortured and brainwashed in a horrifying story. 

    Source: Croissant ETH

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    Fortunately, some on-chain communications ended on a good note.

    One cryptocurrency whale transferred someone 0.5 Ether — worth $965 at the time — money to help their sick child.

    “Thank you very much. God, I’m crying. Thank you for your help. You don’t know how much it means to me. Good health to you and good luck with everything,” the recipient said.

    Someone else wrote a memorial tribute for “John Doe,” who was described as an avid traveler and mathematics professor.

    Another person wrote a message to educate his girlfriend on how to write an on-chain message. Hopefully, she’s now part of the crypto community.

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