Dev enables haters to reject Ordinals, Sotheby’s 2023 digital art sales hit $35M: Nifty Newsletter

    2023.12.28 | exchangesranking | 364onlookers

    In this week’s newsletter, read about what happened to nonfungible tokens (NFTs) in 2023 through one of Cointelegraph’s New Year Specials. Check out how Bitcoiners can run a script to reject Bitcoin Ordinals inscriptions and how Sotheby’s sold around $35 million in digital art in 2023. 

    Sotheby’s sold $35 million worth of digital art in 2023

    Auction house Sotheby’s vice president and head for digital art, Michael Bouhanna, described 2023 as one of the most exciting years for digital art. The executive said the auction house made “close to $35 million” in digital art sales this year. 

    Bouhanna said the company made its highest fee for a digital artwork yet, selling an NFT called “Ringers #879,” created by artist Dmitri Cherniak, for $6.2 million.

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    Taproot Wizards launches script so haters can now reject Ordinals on Bitcoin

    On Dec. 26, a contributor to Taproot Wizards, an art collection inspired by Bitcoin Ordinals, created a way for Bitcoiners to reject Ordinals inscriptions. The pseudonymous developer, who goes by “Rijndael,” shared a script on X (Twitter) to cause nodes to reject any blocks that included inscriptions. 

    The post attracted animosity, with some calling the developer out, saying they have a “superiority complex.” The developer responded by telling a hater to either run the script or admit that they’re just “virtue signaling” and are uninterested in stopping inscriptions. 

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    NFT recap 2023: What happened in the NFT space this year?

    Despite critics calling NFTs dead, the space’s trading volume shows that the asset class is alive and kicking. With this in mind, Cointelegraph published a recap of the biggest topics in the NFT space in 2023.

    From the creation of NFTs on the Bitcoin network to the first ever unregistered securities claim against NFTs in the United States, Cointelegraph looked back to what happened in the space in 2023. 

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    Thanks for reading this digest of the week’s most notable developments in the NFT space. Come again next Wednesday for more reports and insights into this actively evolving space.

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