Lawyer outlines Ripple-SEC settlement path amid Coinbase case impact

    2023.09.04 | exchangesranking | 1841onlookers

    Lawyer outlines Ripple-SEC settlement path amid Coinbase case impact

    Amid speculation regarding a potential resolution between Ripple and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), pro-XRP lawyer John Deaton, representing numerous XRP  tokenholders, has outlined the possible steps the two parties might take if they opt for a settlement.

    Deaton highlighted the significance of the ongoing Coinbase vs. SEC lawsuit. He explained that if the judge in the Coinbase case grants the exchange’s motion to dismiss, it would indicate that token sales on the exchange are not subject to U.S. securities laws. However, it wouldn’t apply to crypto staking.

    He explained:

    “The only way Ripple and the SEC (could) settle before the end of the year is if Judge Failla grants the Coinbase motion to dismiss or partially grants it – finding token sales on an exchange in a blind bid/ask transaction do not fall under U.S. securities laws”

    Should the motion to dismiss be approved, the SEC’s ability to pursue an appeal would be considerably constrained, making a settlement a logical option. Deaton clarified that even if an appeal were possible in such a situation, the agency’s authority would be diminished.

    In a Sept. 1 filing, Ripple indicated that the summary judgment did not address the legal basis for the interlocutory appeal. Its opposition was rooted in the argument that the agency had strayed from the established legal perspective, specifically regarding the application of the Howey test to XRP token sales.

    The SEC initiated a lawsuit against Ripple, its CEO Brad Garlinghouse and its co-founder Chris Larsen in December 2020, causing several exchanges to remove XRP to avoid potential legal complications. However, after a positive ruling by Judge Analisa Torres in July, many exchanges indicated their intention to relist the token.

    In 2023, the SEC has pursued various cryptocurrency firms on allegations of securities violations, including Binance and Coinbase. On Aug. 29, asset manager Grayscale secured a legal victory against the SEC through an appeal that mandated a review of its application for a spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund.

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