How blockchain transforms the streaming industry via new business models

    2023.09.30 | exchangesranking | 1479onlookers

    Presented by EarnTV

    With a fusion of blockchain wizardry, cutting-edge tokenomics and top-tier security, EarnTV is on a mission to revolutionize the streaming and film industry.

    In an era marked by ever-expanding technologies, traditional broadcasters, including Web2 streaming platforms and classic TV channels, appear to have fallen behind the curve.

    Web2 streaming has long been the standard for delivering digital content. Services like Spotify, Netflix, and Hulu have become household names. However, they are all centralized platforms controlled by a single company. This centralization gives these companies significant influence over what content is available, how it is presented, and the pricing models imposed on users.

    Furthermore, Web2 streaming lacks the interactive elements that many modern viewers crave. Unlike some newer platforms, which foster engagement and interaction among viewers, traditional Web2 streaming fails to provide opportunities for audiences to connect and share their experiences during content consumption.

    The rise of Web3 streaming platforms

    In contrast, the emergence of Web3 streaming, built upon blockchain technology, signals a transformative shift toward decentralization. Here, artists reclaim authority, setting their prices and securing a more substantial piece of their creative pie. Blockchain’s decentralized nature empowers creators to democratize the market, while nonfungible tokens (NFTs) open up novel avenues for content monetization.

    But it's not just about the creators; it's also about the fans. Web3 streaming platforms have a fan-centric secret weapon: rewards. Cryptocurrencies and NFTs also encourage participation through innovative models like “watch-to-earn,” giving viewers a tangible stake in the content they enjoy. Fans, the lifeblood of the entertainment world, can now reap tokens and other perks for doing what they love – listening to music, watching videos, and actively engaging in the community. This isn't just streaming; it's a celebration of fan loyalty, forging stronger bonds between creators and their dedicated supporters.

    Transforming the streaming and film industry

    The era of passive streaming watching is on the brink of extinction, and EarnTV, a versatile multi-platform video content delivery protocol, stands as a testament to this transformation.

    EarnTV leverages blockchain technology to improve the viewing experience on multiple fronts. First, it establishes secure and transparent transactions through smart contracts, ensuring fair rewards for viewers. Secondly, the decentralized nature of blockchain eliminates intermediaries, reducing costs and expanding revenue potential for content creators. Third, tokenization allows viewers to effortlessly earn rewards by simply watching content, creating a seamless and engaging viewing journey.

    The platform already boasts over 2,000 hours of content from top-tier studios available for movie fans, including titles from Warner Bros, Sony Pictures, Europacorp and Shoreline Entertainment. It also introduced 200 premium live fast channels, including movies, sports and music.

    The EarnTV ecosystem is fueled by its native ETV token. While initially launched as an ERC-20 token, it will soon find a home on multiple interoperable blockchains. The token unlocks additional perks for activities such as viewing, liking, sharing content and inviting friends, and also powers new, rewarding schemes, including:

    Stream to earn. ETV rewards are distributed to viewers as compensation for watching promoted content.Refer to earn. EarnTV has an ambassador program that enables users to earn token rewards by inviting friends and family to join the network. Artists and influencers will also be able to join the program.Vote to earn. Users can participate in the governance and organization of events while being rewarded for their efforts.

    Source: EarnTV

    Source: EarnTV

    The ETV token is also used for payments within the ecosystem, providing generous discounts for content creators and advertising brands.

    Prioritizing security and reputation

    For EarnTV, security and reputation are major priorities, and this is why the platform was recently audited by the leading blockchain security auditor Hacked, gaining a score of 9.7 out of 10.

    With Hacken’s audit, EarnTV is sure that its smart contracts are secure and free from vulnerabilities. This is important for the platform’s reputation, and a good score increases trust among users and investors.

    By leveraging its innovative tokenomics and high level of security, EarnTV aims to transform the streaming and film industry, benefiting all stakeholders. As we step into this era of Web3 and blockchain, television’s role in our lives is set to evolve, bringing a new era of engagement, interactivity and profitability for all stakeholders involved.

    Learn more about EarnTV

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