8081b7b6˃2023 was anticipated to be the comeback year for Bitcoin (BTC). Experts predicted that the King of Crypto would soar to $50,000 or more, but it has only bounced back to about $26,000 since the bear market started in late 2021. Coin...
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2023.11.04 | exchangesranking | 708onlookers
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2023.11.03 | exchangesranking | 842onlookers
2023.11.03 | exchangesranking | 789onlookers
2023.11.03 | exchangesranking | 894onlookers
2023.11.03 | exchangesranking | 870onlookers
2023.11.03 | exchangesranking | 1167onlookers
2023.11.03 | exchangesranking | 788onlookers