55966e89˃Stablecoin transfers have increased more than 16-fold over the past four years, which is being highlighted as a promising metric of mass cryptocurrency adoption.The monthly stablecoin transfer volume rose to a record high of $1.68...
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2024.06.19 | exchangesranking | 74onlookers
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2024.06.19 | exchangesranking | 68onlookers
2024.06.19 | exchangesranking | 76onlookers
2024.06.19 | exchangesranking | 80onlookers
2024.06.19 | exchangesranking | 71onlookers
2024.06.19 | exchangesranking | 76onlookers
2024.06.19 | exchangesranking | 85onlookers
2024.06.19 | exchangesranking | 95onlookers