55966e89˃The majority of celebrity-backed tokens that launched last week, including JENNER, DAVIDO, and RICH, have tanked at least 66% since peaking — though one token bucked that trend and is still setting new all-time highs.One of the mor...
2024-6 Page 96
2024.06.06 | exchangesranking | 96onlookers
2024.06.06 | exchangesranking | 118onlookers
2024.06.06 | exchangesranking | 116onlookers
2024.06.06 | exchangesranking | 119onlookers
2024.06.06 | exchangesranking | 82onlookers
2024.06.06 | exchangesranking | 91onlookers
2024.06.06 | exchangesranking | 81onlookers
2024.06.06 | exchangesranking | 72onlookers
2024.06.06 | exchangesranking | 149onlookers
2024.06.06 | exchangesranking | 90onlookers