Standard Chartered reaffirmed its projection that Ethereum (ETH) will reach $8,000 by the end of the year, following heightened anticipation of ETF approvals.StanChart’s head of crypto research, Geoffrey Kendrick, said in a note shared with...
2024-5 Page 43
2024.05.22 | exchangesranking | 118onlookers
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2024.05.22 | exchangesranking | 108onlookers
2024.05.22 | exchangesranking | 114onlookers
2024.05.22 | exchangesranking | 164onlookers
2024.05.22 | exchangesranking | 160onlookers
2024.05.22 | exchangesranking | 106onlookers
2024.05.22 | exchangesranking | 121onlookers
2024.05.22 | exchangesranking | 159onlookers
2024.05.22 | exchangesranking | 141onlookers